A time for reimagining


I met an old friend in a coffee shop this week and her energy, sharp mind, and encouragement for a project I’m  working on jolted me to the realisation that I am not a passive bystander, I am an agent of change. And we all are. I need to make my own change happen. From hours and days of listening, reflecting and synthesising views, thoughts and policies from leaders across different sectors that I’m privileged enough to work day in and day out with in the recent VUCA (volatile, uncertain, changing, ambiguous) months, I’ve realised we’re at a very real turning point for our society. If we’re going to improve our world and make the systems within it fit for purpose, all leaders need to act for system change now. I’m not making this suggestion reactively, off the cuff, or for the sake of having my own voice heard. I am writing this for the sake of all of us now and for the future.

The United Nations just released its Education Policy brief reviewing the impact of COVID-19 on the education system internationally. A staggering 99% of young people have had their education affected globally. Over 100 countries have not yet defined how to get back to school, let alone teach or sit exams. The anticipated impact of this is not fathomable. This comes in the wake of a disastrous approach to defining grades in A-levels and GCSEs in the UK. And that is the Education system alone. We could turn to other sectors too. To pivot from the stale, monolithic path we are going down, unimaginable change is required.

The UN report makes several clear recommendations, two of which are education specific but one recommendation resounds for me throughout all of the business, charity and education sectors that I work in: REIMAGINE AND ACCELERATE CHANGE.

The way we led was broken even before COVID came along – the #metoo movement exposed a fraction of this. Within COVID the #blacklivesmatter yet again showed the gaping holes of ignorance and neglect in our systems. We need to reimagine the way we live and lead, and we need to accelerate how we do it. That may sound overwhelming at first, and that’s OK. As human beings we struggle to embrace and imagine change at first – who would have told us back in February in the UK that we would grow to embrace lockdown? There are however, proved and tested ways to walk the path towards real transformation if we dare to do it.

In psychology and positive psychology we examine a large amount of research that shows us that creating a culture of abundance, creating positive energy networks and working towards Everest goals is core to painting new, positive and powerful futures for leaders and organisations. So in brief, how can we help people gain the energy for change that many – if not all of us - are feeling the urgency to make?

1. Create a culture of abundance – if we want change to take place, we need a culture in our organisations that means we build on the collective capabilities of all members, not just the elite some or the few.

2. Create positive energy networks – if we want change to take place, we need to help energy to manifest and magnify across our people. We need to promote feelings of aliveness, arousal, vitality and zest. And we do this is through promoting four different types of energy: physical (encouraging restoration, nourishment, relaxation and sleep), psychological (encouraging mental breaks, and changing focus), emotional (by encouraging recuperation), and finally relational (through creating positive interpersonal relationships).

3. Work towards Everest goals – if we want change to take place, and change like we have never seen before, we need to set Everest Goals – these are akin to climbing mount Everest as they are goals that require supreme planning, training, effort, teamwork and personal mastery. Everest goals are accomplishments well beyond ordinary success, but are not just fantasies or dreams.

If you can see the change that needs to happen and feeling stuck on the how, I hope this re-triggers your motivation in showing you that there are ways to do the ‘how’ – so stop the path we’re going on, reimagine the way forward for you/ your team/ your organisation and then accelerate the change. And as always if you want to find out more, get in touch.


Celebrating Success


Returning to the ‘new normal’